Alcoholic Nose: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

why do alcoholics noses get big

It is important to emphasize that at the end of the day, alcoholic nose doesn’t really have much to do with alcohol at all. There is a misconception that being an alcoholic will cause you to form a bulbous and red nose. That nose, sometimes called “drinker’s nose” or “alcohol nose” is actually known as rhinophyma, a side effect of rosacea. Alcohol addiction can lead to a number of side effects, which may include affecting rosacea. With time, alcohol abuse can worsen rosacea and contribute to the development of rhinophyma (alcoholic nose). Alcoholic nose, known by its clinical name, rhinophyma, is a condition that causes the nose to become bumpy, swollen, and red in appearance.

If inflammation is present because of a bacterial infection, then oral antibiotics such as tetracycline may be prescribed to manage the infection. However, multiple methods might be recommended to manage the thickened skin. Keep reading to learn the real causes behind rhinophyma and how to put an end to the damage.

Extreme disfigurement of the nose can narrow the airways in the nose, making it difficult to breathe. The nose may also take on a purple-like hue in these severe rhinophyma cases. You might be familiar with a pervasive stereotype of alcoholics having a alcohol and shrooms red face or a plump, bulbous kind of nose. Having a big nose, even as a result of rosacea, is not necessarily a sign of alcoholism. If you or a loved one are looking for substance abuse treatment, help is available.

Can Alcohol Worsen the Effects of Rhinophyma?